Topic Coffe - The Best Coffee Sellers

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Original of the coffee cup

Coffee was from the fifteenth century. The most popular story was about a young Yemeni goatherd, in the cloister of a devout Muslim, he worked noticed that the goats reacted strangely after eating a red fruit from low-growing bushes from an isolated spot where they were grazing. At night, instead of the goat they were always quiet awake and restless. The Goat Herder reported this unusual behavior for a Muslim to devote to trying to eat the ripe fruit and found it bitter. Knowing that certain grains improves in flavor when cooked, the devout Muslim cooked and crushed red berries and mixed it with water and then add honey. After drinking the mixture, he felt a greater sense of confidence and it warded off drowsiness as night fell. When it came night after his prayers, he was the only member who was awake for midnight prayers. Soon all were members wanted to dedicate to drink the beverage. The Arabic is the process for brewing coffee and refined it better taste.

They roasted removed and disposed of the fruit and beans. Then they ground the beans into a fine performance that has been soaked in water and the mixture was boiled until it was reduced by 50%.

The Ottoman society began an uncontrollable demand for coffee has been coffee have begun to be heavily taxed. The people rebelled against the taxes and more coffee shops began to open. The influence of the drink began to spread far and wide. That even in households of the Ottoman women were expected to coffee or their husbands could divorce them.

Finally, much was widespread cultivation and trade of coffee in Arabia and Europe. As a result coffee was still under Ottoman rule and used to capture people who fell under her spell of the intoxicating drink called coffee.

Coffee in the New World by a French naval officer who was in Dutch coffee. During the Second World War, coffee became widespread distribution and since the 1960s in the United States is still the main consumer of coffee growing and because the United States can not get the coffee, we have imported the largest coffee.

If you are looking for a rich smooth cup brewed espresso or cappuccino at home, you've come to the right. We offer authentic Italian espresso / cappuccino machines that serve delicious coffee every time.
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