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Cappuccino or Coffee !!

Coffee or cappuccino? Do you love the simplicity of a pure cup of black coffee, or something more specific like the creamy foam of a cappuccino? Coffee and, above all, gourmet coffee, is one of my very favorite beverage on earth! Some of my favorite gourmet coffees include very Kona, Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

All these have the great, courageous aromas and wonderful aromatics. Cappuccino on the other hand, is a delicate drink. A Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink hot coffee with delicious, creamy milk and garnished with steamed milk foam prepared will.

The result is a bright and airy coffee drink that is enjoyed around the world. Depending on time of day, I will usually you another drink. In the early morning hours, I just want a hearty cup of coffee black. Also drink a black coffee is a bit much to stomach in the afternoon.

There's only so much coffee I can drink in a day, and for some reason seems to be a cappuccino is not so difficult, although it is espresso.Christine Rankin is a professional writer, the information on coffee, Gourmet Coffee Guide offers - Your premiere online source for good coffee!
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